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Write To Us

Welcome to Teacher Tribe!


You are now in the world of educators, in a space that celebrates teachers, the one place where teachers share knowledge and share thoughts!


Share Articles – Have you written articles, poems, educational pieces or papers? Wish to share it with the teacher community? You are just a step away from being featured*.


Share Teaching Methodologies – Have you developed new and effective teaching methodologies to make the classes more engaging? Share it with us and get featured*!


Share Videos – Do you have a video of you teaching a unique concept or implementing an out of the box method? You can make a video clip of yourself, sharing the thoughts on education, explaining concepts, etc. and share the video with us. We will feature* you on’ s exclusive YouTube channel!


Send in all your pieces with your name, name of institution, city and contact details to


*Disclaimer – Inclusion of articles and videos is at the discretion of the editorial team of The editorial team will shortlist contributions from educators that will go up on the website and magazine. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit, condense or alter contributions that are accepted.

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